Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Florentina Hubaldo, CTE (Lav Diaz,2012)

In "Florentina Hubaldo, CTE" Lav Diaz shows six hours of emotional state of emergency in the Philippine province. The story is about the title character Florentina, a young and helpless woman, who is maltreated by her father and forced into a life of prostitution before escaping to the city. Her story is intertwined with that of her ill daughter years later, who is being nursed by her stepfather. He shelters two adventurers, whose treasure hunt becomes the projection of a personal and superpersonal hopelessness. Diaz’s Film is a metaphorical reflection of notions of oppression, exploitation, colonialism and dictatorship in the Philippines, and their traumatic implications on the psyche of the individual and on society of this country. 

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